Benefits Associated With The Vitamin B12, According To Science

One of the essential vitamins that every human body needs but cannot produce itself is the Vitamin B12 also called as cobalamin. It is also known to have been found in animal products naturally but the same is also added to certain foods that are available as injections or oral supplements. This particular vitamin does have various roles to play in our body. It helps in supporting the normal functioning of the nerve cells and is also required for the formation of red blood cells and for DNA synthesis.

For adults, the regular and recommended intake is about 2.4 mcg (RDI). It is usually higher in the case of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. There are various benefits associated with Vitamin B12 for your body. It helps in boosting energy, helps in preventing heart diseases and also improves one’s memory. The Vitamin B12 liquid is too available in the market for those who hates taking pills.
Let us look into the health benefits associated with the same.
Health Benefits associated with vitamin B12
Some of the health benefits associated with this particular vitamin include:
·         Helps in Preventing Anemia and formation of Red Blood Cells: This particular vitamin helps the body by allowing it to produce red blood cells. Having low vitamin B12 content in your body can reduce the formation of red blood cells and also prevent the same from developing in a proper manner. For vegan people, the market even has Vegan Vitamin B12 for selling.
·         May help in the Prevention of Major Birth Defects: For a healthy pregnancy this particular vitamin is extremely essential for the body. There are various studies that show that the fetus does require adequate B12 levels in order to develop properly. The brain and the nervous system of the fetus need the necessary vitamin in order to develop. Having a deficiency of this vitamin during pregnancy may actually lead to birth complications and defects. One such defect due to this is the neural tube defect.
·         Helps in Preventing Osteoporosis and May support Bone health: Your bone health does depend on maintaining proper and adequate levels of vitamin B12 in the body. One study out of every 2,500 adults shows that people who actually have a deficiency of this vitamin also have lower than normal bone mineral density. Bones that have a decreased mineral density tend to become fragile and delicate over time. This may end up increasing the risks of osteoporosis. There are studies that have also shown a direct link between deficiency of this vitamin and osteoporosis along with poor bone health in women especially.
To conclude one can state that the vitamin B12 is essential for the body and people to need to make sure not to have a deficiency of the same if they wish to lead a healthy life.
